Thursday, May 05, 2005

A Week's Worth

I have a week's worth of thoughts and I can't wait to put them down. I had to wait a while to record them because I felt a little too vulnerable and emotional to sift through them until now. I am processing the whole "who am I and why am I here" question. It's really not as deep as it sounds because I really know the answer to the deep part of that theological question, it's how it plays out in my day to day life that sometimes stumps me. I am a doer. And doers get overcommitted. And when we try to be selective about what we choose to be involved in or maybe even quit (which is really difficult to do because doers are not quitters), other people are really hard on us. Doers have given other people expectations that we will always take care of everything, "Don't worry, I'll do it." And when we decide someone else should do it, sometimes others like to shame us into action. Well, I have decided I am not going to play. I will do everything God has called me to do, and I will do my very best. Everything else I am leaving to other people that God has called to action. I am not in charge of everything, (even though sometimes I would like to be). But I am in charge of me. I will be faithful. Period. I am ready to answer to the Living God about my involvement. Period.

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