Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Some Days Stink

Some days just stink and this has been one of those days. It's difficult to even put into words how frustrated I am with everthing and everyone. So, you may be thinking to yourself, "Are you sure it isn't you?" I don't think it is, but, I am willing to concede that all my gripes are not about today. I have conveniently dredged up every time I feel I was slighted in the past 24 years. Let me tell you, that makes a pretty long list. The first rule of thumb about fighting fair with anyone is DONT BRING UP THE PAST. I want to fight fair, but I am having a hard time keeping myself in the present. The confrontation is due to begin soon. Will I do the right thing and hold my tongue so I can be a good listener? Surely, please tell me, surely there is an explanation that will soothe my broken spirit. I want reconciliation with all, what must I do to be saved from this mire?

Listen, forgive, and love.

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