Friday, May 20, 2005

The Day Before the Day Before

Wow!! What was that? Yesterday was difficult for me and I decided just to go with the flow, literally. All I know is that when I dressed in the morning I was sniffling, when I cleaned the kitchen after lunch (and boy, is it shiny now!) I was silently crying, when I walked through the family room in the early afternoon I was all out sobbing, and any time I spoke with anyone I usually teared up and had a shaky voice when we spoke of the wedding preparations. "What's wrong, what can I do?" everyone asked. Nothing is wrong, nothing you can do. I knew this day would come, but still, I was not prepared for it. In the following hours I was a little more in control of my out of control emotions, but I felt as if I had been in a marathon (o.k., for me it would be a 5K race) and had no strength left. Maybe that is just where I should be, because thankfully, "when I am weak, He is strong." AAHH, that is good.

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