Monday, May 16, 2005

Special Days

Some days are just going to be special. Today is one of those days for me. No, it's not my birthday. Not my anniversary. I am not receiving any special award. No, today probably isn't significant in anybody else's book except mine. Today I get to spend the entire day with 21. We are going to do ordinary things like laundry, cleaning toilets, eating lunch, vacuuming. I can't wait! These are the activities that make memories and I will hold this week's memories very near to my heart. We have 5 days until the wedding!

My single goal for this week is to honor my daughter in our time together and, in return, give her the opportunity to leave my home with honor, dignity, and the ability to create a home full of honor. That is my single desire for her; that the people in her family will treat each other with dignity and honor, even in the midst of incredibly difficult circumstances. The only way for her and her family to do this practically impossible act is to allow God, who held us in an honorable place when we deserved judgement, to practice honor through them. After all, isn't that our purpose here while we visit on this planet, to act like Jesus so others can see what He has done for them?

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