Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Staying Focused

77 hours until the wedding. 75 hours until we need to be at the church for photos. 54 hours until rehearsal. 52 hours until we decorate for the reception. 29 hours until we pick up Husband's tux. Those hours will pass and I can stay focused and use them to achieve good things or I can waste them doing trivial activities which I will regret in days to come. I am resolved to stay focused. I refuse to get caught up in an emotional roller coaster with some of our friends and family who cannot make a potentially stressful week easy . I refuse to get annoyed with dishes in the sink, I will not second guess the wedding guest list, the reception menu, or what candles I should have bought. For the next 77 hours I will relish doing laundry for 21, help her at a moments notice try on her dress and veil, pack a box with toiletries to move to her new home, run to the store to buy a hook for her new closet. I will stay focused on 21. Finally, 21, this week you are the queen, and you are royal.

16 and 14, don't worry, we will have fun days in the summer to come. You and I will have our special moments, too, but 21 is my focus this week. Don't besmirch her, don't be envious, just honor her with your kindness and prayers.

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