Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What I've Learned

It's been one year since I began working outside my home and decided to go back to school full time. I must admit everything, yes everything, is different. My friendships, my family relationships, my housekeeping, and even my expectations for the future. Each paradigm I ever held dear, we might even call them ideologies, have changed. The transformations have not taken place without pain. It was time for the revolution, I didn't go willingly, but now I know it is all for the best.

I have learned:

I am only human. (This is really more of a reminder) This simple principle is reflected in the fact that I cannot please everyone, all the time. I have to prioritize and be satisfied with my choices.

Some friendships were relationships of convenience not intimacy. Some still continue to seek me out and keep up with me because they genuinely care for me and my future. This was a difficult and painful process.

I love learning. School has been an experience I will remember with great fondness. I hope I never quit exercising my brain and acquiring knowledge.

I always want to make time to serve God, family, and others no matter how busy and stressful life may get. This is where real fulfillment takes place.

I have put what I always believed I would be in the future away and I never again want to put my future in my own box. I want to follow, willingly and passionately, God's path for me. I will make plans and prepare for the future, but be ready for whatever God presents.

What I have learned is that learning never has to cease.

LORD, let me always be ready to learn.

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