Monday, January 07, 2008

January 7th!!

January 7th! How could it possibly be January 7th? So many events have taken place in the past four weeks and I have so much to share. Husband and I have shopped, eaten, wrapped, eaten, talked, eaten, visited with family and friends, eaten, worshipped the Living Savior, eaten, and in general had a spectacular holiday season.

I will not be wrong in sharing with you that on Christmas Day we took a break from our ordinary lives and spent the day with our children, children's children, and other relatives. We feasted and gave one another gifts to celebrate the fact that Christ has saved us from utter annihilation. What a wonderful day! Generosity was the theme, love was the reason.

Last week husband, 16, 18 and I skied some fabulous slopes in Colorado (perfect powder I might add). We drove the 13 hour trip with my dad and brother and simply enjoyed every moment together.

This morning, as I walked to squeeze in my cardio exercise for the day, I noticed how overcast and windy it was. My first inclination was to relate it to the past year. For me, I would catergorize the last twelve months as cloudy, somewhat dark and difficult. There are many reasons, some I have shared with you and some that I couldn't possibly relate, they are just too private. However, the temperature this morning during my walk on January 7th, was a balmy 67 degrees. That's right, 67 degrees. It occurred to me that the clouds were keeping the temperature moderate and the wind felt good on my face and in my hair. I could have looked at the day and thought how depressing it was, how I was being deprived from the sun. But, instead, I see that if the clouds were not in place, the heat would dissipate and a cold, cold wind would prohibit me from going on a walk that keeps me healthy.

Maybe that is what the past year has been about. It has been cloudy and windy in my estimation. I know that God is sovereign and has provided a covering to keep the freezing and harmful wind from causing irreparable harm. The comforting Truth is this: God is Lord of all and I can trust Him.

Husband is an eternal optimist. He expects this year to be the best year ever. So do I.

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