Monday, April 16, 2007

Church Home

Do you have a church home? Those very words "church home" evoke a sentimental warmness in me. Church: a place to worship, learn, fellowship, serve. Home: a place to retreat to safety and significance. (Don't try to find these definitions in a dictionary. They are my own characterization.) Put those two together and your church home could be the ideal place to find yourself a few days a week.

Yesterday morning as I was preparing physically and mentally to go to my church home, I was overwhelmed by a sense of sadness for many of my friends and family who don't have a church home right now. I know exactly how they feel, like a nomad wandering about, looking for good pasture for your sheep. The task is daunting because what we seek is all the positive we had at our old church, then we add to that list, the improvements we thought needed to be made so that it would have been "my own perfect church home". Our kids need to enjoy going, we need to like the music, and the preacher better be biblical, interesting, challenging, and caring. Are the members friendly? Do they have too much debt? How long does it take me to get there? My list went on and on and on. All of these things are so important, but, can any church meet all this criteria?

My prayer for all of you who have no church home is that you will continue looking no matter how frustrating it may be. And, in your search, simply seek the LORD. We know that no man (church) will ever meet our wants and needs fully, only the Father can. He can call you to worship, teach you, give you a spot to serve, and provide significance and security to your soul, all in a place that is not ideal and never will be. Churches are not perfect but the Father is.

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