Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Return

I am so tired I can hardly think about what I want to share tonight because we have just returned, but, I feel I must record a few of these emotions I have welled up inside. The first is how very thankful I am to have been to such a fabulous place as Paris, France. The Eiffel Tower was spectacular! Not to mention the Arch de Triomphe, Louvre, Orsay, Invalides, Sacre Cour, Versailles, etc. Each one held it's own beauty and charisma. Nevertheless, what I am clinging to in my heart and pondering with great affection are the precious moments Husband and I spent with 18 and 15 (almost 16). Eating crepes with Nutella (chocolate paste) for breakfast, afternoon snack and late night snack. All four of us talking on our bed till late about the days events. 18 drilling 15 about what she learned that day. Trying to order our meals in French and absolutely butchering that beautiful language. Eating french fries every day! Hearing them say "WOW" when they first glimpsed the grandness of the Arch de Triomphe. Riding miles and miles and miles on the Metro and trying to find a place for all four of us to sit together in rush hour just to find a dress for 18 to wear to her prom. Watching them stare at a sculpture in the Louvre with awe and wonder.

Paris was brilliant, but the snapshots that are emblazoned on my heart and soul and that I hold dear are of my girls and the relationships we sealed this week. xxooxx I love you.

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