Monday, February 12, 2007

Sunday Lunches

I treasure Sunday lunches at our house. The very words "Sunday lunch" have such special meaning to me. That simple phrase means that we greeted one another after worshipping our Savior , filled our plates with our favorite food, sat around a grand table with beloved people, and talked about subjects that are dear to our hearts.

Yesterday was such a day. Several things make yesterday exceptionally wonderful. First, we were celebrating my son's birthday. He is 24 and an outstanding son, friend, husband, and father. I couldn't be prouder. Second, we were celebrating 24 moving his family back to our city. They have been "in the wilderness" for fifteen months and having them close again in proximity is a joy. Next, my 88 year old grandmother was here to watch my grandchildren play, cry, and generally steal the show. Five generations! That is a rarity and oh, so extraordinary. We hold every moment with her captive knowing our time with her is short .

Now that I think of it we really didn't talk about important subjects or conquer significant social issues. Basically, we just shared time with one another. That, oh so, fleeting commodity of time. So, I guess it really isn't the "Sunday lunches" that are extraordinary, it is really the people that come together and commit that brief, passing, never to be had again moment in time with me that causes me to relish the memories we have around that table.

Oh, LORD God, let me never forget to savor each moment You give me with others. Let me never waste time consumed with useless matters or emotions. Let me speak Truth to them and love them with Your kind of love.

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