Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm Only Human

Yes, once again I have been reminded of my human frailties. Once more I have seen the stark reality that my very existence is held in the hands of a Sovereign God. I can make a valiant effort and try to deceive myself and ignore this fact on most days, but, every now and then God takes pity on me and reminds me that He is undeniably in command of every moment of my survival. I could not will the illness away, as much as I tried, it continued until my infirmed body could take no more and needed what I could not do alone, iv fluids from the er.

When faced with insurmountable and overwhelming events in life most people ask the question "Why me?" or "How can God allow this bad stuff to happen to me?". But, I discover that the more profound question I find in my soul that I need answered is, "Why have You excused me from being sick every day?", or "Why have You chosen to give me anything good when I give You so little?"

I was very ill this weekend and was unable to care for myself, even my most fundamental needs. Husband stepped into the role as nurse and was amazing. He washed me, carried me, nursed me, steadied me. Even in my wretched filthiness he loved and me cared for me. I am astonished at his actions of affections for me.

What a picture!! It is the very depiction of how Jesus takes us in our filthy state of sinfulness while we cannot clean ourselves and washes us clean with His own Goodness and Love. He then carries me, nurses me, steadies me and then walks with me for eternity. I have no words to express my graditude for this undeserved healing, therefore, I must communicate my indebtedness by my actions. Also, I want to tell everyone who is still sick who can heal them! Jesus can!! Jesus will!! Every breath we have is another moment to realize the truth about a Redeemer who heals for eternity. Thank you, Jesus, for Your Loving Care.

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