Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"Practice Hospitality"

OK, OK I admit it, in the chaos of raising a family, trying to make a living, making every attempt to diet and exercise (or maybe I should just say "making" an attempt), and endeavoring to keep my home in order, that little command I read in Romans 12:13 goes straight to the bottom of my list of to-do's. Especially as the holiday season approaches, and my list grows each day, can I really be expected to "practice hospitality"? It is just two little words, perhaps I can just gloss over them and look more closely at them next year when my life will be a little less hectic (ha,ha).

I decided I should do a little research and discover what I could about that small phrase and how it should impact my schedule. After all, if it is in Scripture, I really must heed that advice, and I do believe the Bible is for my good.

Several questions come to mind:

1. What is hospitality? Hospitality is generously receiving guests in my home and having a welcoming attitude toward them.

2. How can I practice hospitality? To practice means to perform habitually or regularly. So to practice hospitality I must make a habit of welcoming guests into my home.

3. What good can it be for me and others? Simply put, Christian fruit is in Christian relationships (Rom 1:13). We meet one another's needs in developing friendships and relationships. I need others and the encouragement they offer and they need me.

4. How can I "practice hospitality" in my home? This is too hard for me! My greatest excuses are that my home is not nice enough or clean enough. Honestly, when I consider the times I have been invited to someone else's home, I never judged their possessions or how neat or clean it was. I was genuinely grateful for the invitation and the friendship that was offered.

So, now what? Now that I know I must "practice hospitality" what steps can I take to be faithful to that duty? I think I will start small. I will ask a friend that I already know and a new "someone" from my Lifegroup over for dessert. That should be easy. Then, maybe I'll move up to inviting a couple over for dinner and games. Maybe I'll even have a Christmas party! Being obedient to the Word could have lasting blessings through the friendships that will be developed by "practicing hospitality"!

The more I "practice hospitality", the more fun it will be. The more relationships I have the more support and encouragement I will receive at exactly the right time. I knew God's Word was good for me!! Thank you, LORD, for those two little words, "Practice Hospitality".

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