Thursday, June 09, 2005

Summer Days

Summer is here. The kids have been to camp for a week, which means that Husband and I were alone at home for a full 6 days. How weird was that!! Husband still went to work that week, but when he came home in the evenings we were free to eat when and what we desired. We watched anything we chose without interruption. We had complete conversations without anyone barging in. We actually did nothing exceptional that week, we simply enjoyed ordinary life without children.

Oh, did I mention that we had 22 and 21 and their spouses over for dinner one evening? Did I tell you that we spoke on the phone to 16 and 14 on a couple of different occasions about their days at camp? Did I remember to say that 21 and I spent an entire day visiting relatives and shopping? Did I state that I spent many hours while husband was at work painting, sewing, and redecorating 16 and 14's rooms? So actually, our whole week was spent without them physically, but, our lives still revolve around the children.

I think that when they are all moved out of this home in which they have been raised, Husband and I will definitely have more time to pursue our own interests. However, our lives will always revolve around our children and our children's children. We will respond at a moments notice when they need us or just simply want us. We want to be intimately involved in our children's lives so as to leave them a part of us. You know, a heritage.

For me that is what makes life worth living: relationships. Relationships with those that know me inside and out.

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