Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Garage Sales

One of my favorite things to do is to shop at garage sales and flea markets. I don't know why. All I know is that when I find something I like and the price is outrageously low I feel as if I have discovered a treasure. I don't even mind if I must clean it up a little. Somehow, the search is as much fun as the discovery. I really enjoy taking something old, refurbishing it, and using it in my home as something new. Giving it new life, if you will.

This past weekend Sister and I had a garage sale. We rooted out from our homes all our unwanted clothes, dishes, lamps, and, in general, junk. We sold it as fast as we could put it out. Most items were 50 cents. Sometimes if it was really valuable we priced it at $1. We didn't worry about how much money we were going to make, we just wanted it gone. And go it did. AND we still made more money than we expected. How does all that stuff add up to that much money? Well, I guess we had a great deal of junk in our homes.

What do garage sales say about me and our society? Well, in general, we simply have too much. If Sister and I had so many50 cent items that added up to several hundred dollars, well, that is just too much stuff. I could still go through my home and have another garage sale with items that are rarely used, but I didn't want to part with "just yet". But, on the other hand, many of my items are those I have purchased at garage sales, flea markets, or are hand me downs. Recycling is good. I guess the only thing that might make having this much stuff wrong would be holding my "things" in higher esteem than the people around me. I would gladly give up anything I have for anyone. Maybe, I'll have another garage sale next week.

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