Thursday, April 14, 2005

Home Again

Home again!! Barcelona was fabulous. The Mediteranean Sea is everything I expected. Spending the week with husband, without children, was spectacular. How could it be anything but good when you are alone with your husband in Catalonia. We needed the time together since he has been travelling a great deal lately. It was difficult to come home without him, but I survived. The hardest issue to deal with was getting 16's drivers license. She was a little ugly since she had to wait 3 weeks past her birthday. I was feeling a little sorry for myself and wanted some symapathy from 21 and did not get it. Then I really was a mess. Why would I believe that I could get understanding from anyone who has not had children when my sense of loss was caused from such a relationship? And, for me, it was a significant loss. First, because I wanted 16 to understand and agree, that the delay in her receiving her license really had nothing to do with me, but had everything to do with her. Second, because I thought that 21 and I had reached a different level in our relationship where the world really didn't revolve around her, but around me, too. Well, you guessed it, 16 will never agree and the world really is revolving around 21 right now.

I would really like to share about the questions I posed for myself before I left for my trip, but I fear it may take longer than I have at the moment. I will try to tackle one before I sign off.

What makes a good friend? A good friend is someone who genuinely wants what is best for you at all times. They may not necessarily always be in touch, however, when contact is made, authentic love abounds. This is evident by probing questions, thoughtful answers (which sometimes may be a painful), and actions that always reveal the character of Christ.

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