Sunday, January 11, 2009

Update on 24 - 1/11 p.m.

It's Sunday, the end of a good day. T1 is fabulous. He is no longer under the warmer and has been placed in a regular crib. He is eating well and we are anxious to see how soon he will begin to gain weight. He is a good burper and has had his eyes open, taking in his new world, each time we visited him today.

T2 is also gaining strength and health by the hour. He no longer requires oxygen from a tube in his nose and is eating about an ounce every three hours. He is still under the warmer but seems stronger and more alert each time we have seen him today.

I was overcome with true humility and thankfulness today as I worshiped my Creator. I have done nothing in my entire life that could have earned such blessings. Husband and I now have five grandchildren (which is entirely impossible in my own mind since I still feel 35.) Our children are becoming such delightful people that I love being with (and I sincerely had my doubts that this could occur at certain seasons of my life).

Lord, reveal Yourself to our grandchildren. Draw them to You. Save them, use them, bless them, fill them. Let each of them accept You as their personal Savior early in their lives. Lead their parents to teach Your Word to them, to live Your Word so they will see and understand Your character. Cover all of them with Your Loving, Strong, Caring hand. Amen

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