Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Today, that is all we look at right now, today. If we look too far ahead the list of to do's is daunting. So, we look at today. Hey! That's biblical.

Today, 24 would love to go home, but, we are waiting on the doctor to come by. Her blood count is low and this fact could keep her from going home.

Today, T2 is not eating very well. He has a tube that is supplementing his feeding. This is very normal for a premie, but, we are praying for him to begin eating enough on his own not to need the tube.

Today, both babies are in warmers. They weren't keeping their temperatures up well enough, and so they are being helped by the warmers.

Today, their 2 year old brother(G2) is ready to go home to play with the dog and be nurtured by his mom and dad. Pray that he has a good day playing with husband.

Today, God is big enough to meet our needs and fully exceed our expectations. Glory to God our Caretaker for all we have already received.

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