Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Tulle, tulle, & more tulle

tulle - noun- a thin, fine netting of silk, rayon, nylon, etc., used as for veils and scarves.

To me, tulle equals wedding. It's that lovely, wispy, netting that blows gently in the wind and drapes everything in romance. There was an irresistable aura of love in New Waverly, Texas this past weekend. Neice 21, married her beau on Saturday in an outdoor wedding, in the country, among 100 friends and family. The gazebo was beautifully draped in tulle and lit with lights amid grapevine pulled from the trees on the land behind the house.

I had the fabulous honor of helping sister in law decorate the acres where the wedding and reception would be held. We had great fun from Thursday til right up to the minute of the wedding planning where the tulle and lights would be hung, calculating how to best host 100 people, and simply playing in the tulle.

It was hot, difficult work at times, but I wouldn't trade one minute of the experience of observing Neice 21 and her mother prepare for her new life on those few days. Even more endearing was watching my brother organize himself, not only to give her away to her groom, but to perform the wedding ceremony. He has been her pastor for 19 of her 21 years. It was only proper. His words will forever be embedded in my heart. My brother said:

"I have many memories of 21 when she was young, but, the two I want to share with you are these two things. When 21 was small and had a bad day and was really upset, I would simply hold her until she would calm down and quit crying or go to sleep. And one day when she was only 2 yrs old she put the car in reverse while I was raising the garage door and the car went racing across the street, all I could do was run to rescue her from the danger that I could see was imminent. I was ready to do whatever it took to bring her to safety. "

"Groom, that is your charge, if 21 is having a bad day or a rough time, hold her and let her know that everthing will be ok. If something is dragging her away, Go get her and bring her back! Her mother and I give her away, to you, and now that is your responsibility, her security and her safety."

Now they are cruising the Caribbean. What a glorious beginning of what will be a lifetime of memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pass the kleenex, please. Thanks for a beautiful blog. I'll read it and re-live it again!