Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ecclesiastes - Week 5

Closing Comments

I. Submission – Literally – Under (sub) – Cause or Purpose (mission)
mis·sion - noun
1. a sending out or being sent out with authority to perform a special service;
2. a group of persons sent to a foreign government to conduct negotiations; diplomatic delegation; embassy
3. the special task or purpose for which a person is apparently destined in life; calling
4. any charitable, educational, or religious organization for helping persons in need
5. a series of special religious services designed to increase faith or bring about conversion
6. * Mil. a specific combat operation assigned to an individual or unit;

II. Submission to God

A. Our cause is the law of God which brings life and peace. (Rom 8:6-7)

B. Ultimately, all will submit to God’s authority. (1 Cor 15:26 – 28) - The order of this world is hazy. But eventually God will make it all right. Every creation will be subject to Him, cede to Him now and enjoy the blessings of God’s order before the appointed time.

C. Submission is a hierarchy from God. ( Eph 5:17 – 24 ) God to Christ, to man, to woman, to child as the sequence. However, the tone of this hierarchy was not military, but voluntary and self-sacrificing. It is wise, understanding, and perceptive of God’s will. It is about pleasure and order, and out of our desire to please our Redeemer.

III. Submission to others

A. Our submission to man’s ordinances will silence fools and glorify God and give us liberty. (1 Pet 2:13 – 20) (Rom 13:1 – 7) Anyone God has put in authority over you is so that you will have someone to minister to you. Do you believe you are not in need of someone to serve and protect you? Give over that area of your life and allow God to lead as well as shelter you from this dangerous world.

B. Be humble towards all and ready to learn from anyone God chooses to use. (1 Pet 5:5 – 8) Yes, usually it is the younger who offer submission to the older, however, it is not always the case. Grace and humility go hand in hand. This will keep you from the wiles of The adversary.

C. Submission is a hierarchy from God. (Eph 5:17 – 24) God to Christ, to man, to woman, to child as the sequence. However, the tone of this hierarchy was not military, but voluntary and self-sacrificing. It is wise, understanding, and perceptive of God’s will. It is about pleasure and order, and out of our desire to please our Redeemer.

D. We must be committed to the mission of God even when we doubt our husband’s devotion to the call of God. (1 Pet 3:1) Even if your husbands are not Christians or are not obedient to Christ, you must be submissive to them, as if they were, so that your obedience to Christ will cause them to turn or return to the Lord.

Doctrine statement concerning submission

Submission is an act of admitting the authority of God over me in every area of my life, ceding to the order God has ordained, and resisting my human desires to deny the leadership and protection God has provided in this carnal world.

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