Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Really Good Friends. I am sincerely awed by my RGF's. Do you have any RGF's? They are the people that know your deepest, darkest, ugliest secrets and still come over, look you in the eye, and convey (with or without words) their love and devotion to you. And I mean godly love and devotion. The kind that encourages you to seek God's answer to your heartbreaking isssue and, in fact, will also search for God's Best for you.

Maybe a better question might be "Are you anybody's RGF?"

It's uncomfortable and a little risky to show up at someone's home when you know they are hurting and you need to be willing to talk, or simply listen, about the rough stuff. But, that is when most of us need an RGF, when we are unable to step outside the confines of our home and seek the comfort and encouragement we need.

You see, when we are hurting our imaginations tend get out of control. We envision what we believe others must think of us. And it usually isn't good. So, be an RGF and take the guessing out of your friend's heart and let them know (without a shadow of a doubt) the depth of your love.

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