Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Last Junior

Whew!!! Working, even part time, really cuts into my day. I am working a few extra hours since we are short staffed. I'll help out as long as I can. But, when I start school, that will be my primary priority.

Today is a really significant day for a few of us in our household. This is 17's last day as a junior in high school. She's taking her two last finals and then she's a senior. Our last senior. She has had a challenging year, to say the least. Emotionally we have been through the ringer. As I recall, though, 24 and 19 also had their roughest years as juniors. Sometimes girls are so brutal to one another.

Many questions flood my mind as I look ahead to her senior year. Will she depend on the Lord to emotionally encourage her? How can I propel her into her future and not hinder her from taking responsibility for herself? Will she choose righteousness? Will her disappointments in people affect her for her good or cause her to expect the worst in others?

Well, here is my answer to my own queries: I don't know. She must decide for herself. However, I will pray, pray, and pray more. The Lord can meet her need. The Lord can give her hope for a future and a love for others, even though disappointments come. The Lord can develop her into fabulously, tender, beautiful woman of honor and grace.

Here's to you, 17! I love you.

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