Monday, June 04, 2007


Today my sister-in-law and I were going to take our regular walk of 3 or 4 miles to retain our svelte figures. We routinely meet at the local park and briskly walk for about an hour. I would like to share with you that I go and exercise because it is good for me, but, alas, I would be fibbing. I am there for the conversation, any healthy benefits are just a perk.

We began our usual conversation, catching up on the news since the last time we marched ourselves around the park. Then we looked down at our legs and arms and they were literally covered with mosquitoes. I slapped all the black dots I could see and swatted at places on myself I couldn't see, then as I turned and looked behind me there was a swarm coming our way. We left the park and went hastily to walk in my neighborhood. I was sure we would be safe there.

We parked our cars, retied our shoes, and began our meager effort at physical fitness. We picked up where our dialogue had been cut short. Then, as we walked beside some freshly cut grass there, too, was a cloud of mosquitoes chasing us and desiring to have us for breakfast. We took a quick u-turn and headed back to the house at a pace neither of us has attempted for a few years. Maybe the swiftness of our walk will make up for the shortness of it. We are going to try again, but, next time we will spray ourselves with repellent before we leave the house.

As I thought about that itchy experience I began to consider how similar this life is to my mosquito filled walk this morning. My desire to be above reproach, a woman of integrity, untouched by the sin in this world is nearly an impossible task. I get bitten, I am affected by the"Mosquitoes" that nip at me and that is discouraging. Some days it feels as if I couldn't possibly get through the day without numerous big, red, itchy spots all over me. I need repellent so I will not be eaten! I need the Word. Somehow (and I am so thankful) the Word of God meets me right where I am. It protects my heart. It soothes my soul. It heals my hurts. It invigorates me.

Thank you Lord for your Word that is Perfect for me in my mosquito filled world.

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