Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Miss Me?

Did anyone notice I haven't been here for a while? I have been a little busy. My classes were Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. till 12:30 p.m., for five weeks. Five weeks of reading, homework, and oral presentations. I enjoyed every moment. Did I agree with everything each instructor had to say? No, especially my anthropology professor. That entire class was about man's origin, from apes, and how that fact does make a difference. Wow, how to answer questions on tests that could be scored correct, but still voice my opinion was a real challenge.

My technical writing instructor was my political antithesis. It wasn't even a political class, yet, she just had to speak her piece about the presidential candidates. I don't know whether I was right or not, but I simply kept my mouth shut. (By the way, I did make an A in that class, I haven't yet heard what my grade is in anthropology).

With working every afternoon after class, I haven't been able to do what I love... work in women's ministry. I miss every part of it, from having an impact in people's lives to planning fellowships that will spread the Good News to someone who needs Hope.

I have no doubt that school and working (just part time) is exactly where I need to be. I have 3 more semesters and I will graduate. What a thrill for me! I am already praying that God will lead me to the career He wants me to have then. What kind of career do I want? I am completely open to God's will for me. I can truly say, "Whatever, LORD."

Prepare me, Lord, teach me, open my eyes and my heart to the future you have for me.

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