Thursday, February 12, 2009

UN Christian

The other day I was able to listen to most of Brother's show (on KCBI 90.9 FM at 5p.m. - 6p.m., DFW Market). Usually, I am still at work and just can't tune in. I was intrigued by the questions he posed. The public was invited to call in and give their take on the subject.

(BTW, Brother, Happy Birthday!)

Here are the questions: What is the most unChristian thing non Christians do? And, what is the most unChristian thing Christians do?

After pondering these queries for quite a while, (that is why I would never be a good caller on one of these shows, it takes me too long to come up with my final answer), this is what I came up with. I think for each group, Christian or nonChristian, my determination is the same. Our most unChristian action is that we do not live with "purpose". Now remember, I am speaking in generalities, so as I explain myself I know you will find some example of how my opinion would not be true, but, on the whole, considering the majority of people I know, I believe this statement is, by and large, an accurate statement.

Let me explain. People travel through each day and they are simply tossed to and fro by the choices that must be made in the present. Few plan for the future and seldom do we find that people look ahead and make well thought out decisions. Therefore, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially people are rarely prepared for events of the day, therefore, decisions are made in a defensive mode, and the comprehensive effects of the choices of the moment are often surprising and lead to unanticipated consequences.

As Christians we have a purpose. Our purpose is to have an intimate relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, let Him work in us and through us so the "the rest of the world will know that He is the LORD God and there is no other" (1Kings 8:59-60).

Are you letting Him work in you? Can the world see that He is LORD? Do your choices reveal the Greatness and Goodness of God? Remember your Purpose. With a Purpose we can live with passion! How Great is My God!

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