Monday, November 26, 2007

Black Friday

Why do we do it? Rise hours before dawn to stand in line and be some of the first customers to rush a store for "doorbuster" deals? I'll tell you why I do it.

My friend invited me a few years ago to Black Friday shop with her because her "regular" shopping friend couldn't go. I had never been before, and frankly, had never considered it. "Well, those people are just crazy. I do not need a sale that bad!" I used to declare. But, I really like this friend and wanted her to have the shopping experience she desired, so I drug myself out of bed, grabbed a cup of coffee, a short shopping list and embarked on what would prove to be the first of many fanatical Black Fridays.

I admit it, I am hooked. It was so much fun standing in line with my friend, sipping coffee, sharing our Thanksgiving memories from the day before, our hopes for our children and our children's children for the future (while we are shivering), and, I cannot deny, we entered each store to win the prize of the deal of the day.

We make a pretty good team. We usually separate at the door, grab our trophy deals, and meet at the register to check out (cell phones are a must!) She has, on several occasions, enabled me to be next in line for cameras that were limited to the first 10 customers, grabbed vacuums that were being considered by other people and I really needed that last one, and she simply helps me make those decisions that need a second opinion.

I believe Black Friday Shopping is first about being with my friend and second about shopping. Husband loves it because he gets to stay in bed, yet he benefits from me getting more for our money at Christmas.

Thank you friend for inviting me years ago to share your life with you.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Why Do We Go To Church Sunday and Wednesday Nights? (and why do we feel guilty when we don't)

I must answer this simply from my personal desires and needs. When my family was looking for a church about a year ago one of our first desires was that our new church would have Sunday p.m. and Wed p.m. services. It was more difficult to find churches that had these services than those that had ceased their worship at these times. We desire these times with other believers because of our need to be taught, encouraged, and lifted up more than just once a week.

If my desire is to be less like this world and more like Christ, I must spend extra time with like minded Christians who remind me that this world is not my home and that I shouldn’t fit in with it. My human nature tells me constantly that I can have both, this world and Christ. But that is a lie. So, when I go to see my Christian family I hear and see Truth more clearly.

I love Sunday and Wednesday nights. That is when most of the people who are there are serious about their walk and those are the people I need. I hunger for learning from them and experiencing Christ with them. Worshipping with them moves me. Sunday mornings are great, too, but Sunday p.m. worship is more intimate and personal for me.

When I miss, I don’t feel guilty, and neither should you. I think when we feel guilty, it is because of what we believe others might think of us. I am not keeping score, are you?