Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Blessings

I met with a group of women today and we thought about the blessings that we have been given. As we began to list them it was quite obvious that our blessings are relationships we have or maybe even the second chances we have at those relationships. No one listed their house, car, groceries, or anything that would be considered an asset by society's standard. Boy, what an eye opener!

How many of us make our goal each day to gather as much stuff as possible? We know that our relationships are important and even tell ourselves that we are amassing things for the ones we love, but, OUR LOVED ONES WANT US NOT OUR STUFF!

We must stay focused on our relationships. At the end of the day what will really matter to each of us are our relationships. Period.

Here is the question of the day: Have I done all I can to be the best mom, wife, friend, daughter, (you fill in the blank) possible?

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